Tag Archives: gratitude

Little Words

When you are gone,
there is nor bloom nor leaf,
Nor singing sea at night,

nor silver birds;
And I can only stare,

and shape my grief
In little words.

Dorothy Parker

Elfje: Cinquain



cute twins

boy and girl

dressed blue and pink





born to be happy

was loved and knew how to love

with a heart of gold




here’s hoping that your every day is a Sunday
giving your Higher Power a day to rest
having gratitude for each and every day
doing His will makes it the best

accepting life without a worry
always trying to do the next right thing
do it now so later you won’t have to hurry
please don’t cry over the broken shoe string

begin each day with an attitude of gratitude
best to know that you have a choice
better to be seen than being viewed
show your love by using a happy voice

don’t pay Peter by what from Paul you rob
always the choice, happiness is an inside job


ME and the Boss








A Passionate Pursuit


“I have

defined poetry

as a ‘passionate

pursuit of

the Real.”

Czeslaw Milosz


Elfje: (Cinquain)


as pure
just as is
not at all false


Lune: 3,5,3 syllables ( In Reverse, Lune should be 5,3,5 )


most intense feeling
heart ablaze




mystical, magical, an awesome miracle
for those in recovery it is empirical
in life there are no mere coincidences
there are only fortuitous God incidents

born with a brain on backwards
most grew up to become bad actors
the on / off switch definitely broken
surely quite unique but still a token

for those who never quite fit in
keep coming back was a good place to begin
a warm welcome which gave many goose bumps
a fellowship using a Good Orderly Direction

a Higher Power by any name is acceptable
most of the miracles are barely perceptible
a backward brain does not mean that they are insane
the road to recovery is becoming humane

miracles are most often a change in attitude
many learn the joy of having gratitude
abstinence gives one a new life to be what you want to be
a soul who is happy, joyous and free


ME and the Boss






